The A.C.E. programme is a tried and tested effective educational solution for learners from Preschool through to Grade 12 in both school and homeschool settings. For over 35 years, AEE has distributed the A.C.E. curriculum in both African and Scandinavian countries and it has been used with great success in over 250 private schools and 1500 home schools. The A.C.E. programme is also used widely in over 142 countries on seven continents. In keeping with our mission of empowering Africa through the distribution and implementation of effective education solutions, our materials support a personalised system of instruction (PSI) and provides training for educators, principals, administrators and parents.
The character-building effect of this extraordinary educational strategy, that is values-based, individualised and promotes academic excellence, presents the answer to the global crisis in education. Utilising this concept of individualised learning, learners don’t just get by—they get ahead!
Leadership and staff enrichment training for educators in the distinctives of the Accelerated Christian Education programme and methodology is provided. In addition, educators are updated annually through seminars and conventions.
Our Vision
An educated Africa where everyone can reach their full potential in Christ.
Our Mission
Our mission is to empower and impact Africa by delivering access to world-class Christian education solutions that are innovative and relevant to the continent.
Our Values




we serve.
Our Purpose
Unlocking potential, inspiring faith.